A summer of gigs coming up

A summer of gigs coming up

We are very excited about all of our gigs this Summer. We have lots of festival and folk club bookings plus several ‘Your Stories In Song’ events. Find full details of all of them on our GIGS page. We’re also busy writing and recording songs so...


We’ll be releasing our next album in Spring 2025, called Bungaroosh and YOU can help us get it off the ground. Over the next few days we’ll release various pre-order options with added extras. Keep an eye on Social media and on our SHOP page. Tickets to...
38/60 –  Royal Oak, Tunbridge Wells. 5/4/24

38/60 – Royal Oak, Tunbridge Wells. 5/4/24

We’re back again! See post number 2 in the series (https://www.miltonhide.com/2-60-the-royal-oak-tunbridge-wells-8-9-23/) . This time our mate Delby couldn’t be there but The Harveys played as a duo to kick off the evening. Pete’s mate did the sound...


We decided to enter four competitions this year – Talent Is Timeless; Purbeck Rising; Milkmaid Songwriters; pFite Talent is Timeless is a great initiative started by Saskia Griffiths-Moore as a free songwriting competition during lockdown aimed specifically at...
36/60 –  The Section, 17 March 24

36/60 – The Section, 17 March 24

We were pleased to be invited to play at this new event in Arlington organised by Bruce Knapp and friends. We’ve know Bruce for a while now, he’s played on some of our recorded work, and is a brilliant musician and a lovely bloke. The Section is a band...
29/60 –  Croydon folk club, 12 Feb 2024

29/60 – Croydon folk club, 12 Feb 2024

It’s always a pleasure coming to Croydon Folk Club. Brian and Jenny are a lovely couple who run the club, always the first to arrive to set up display boards, chairs, stage, banners, ticket desk, raffle and lighting. We’d actually arrived even earlier as we came by...


Wednesday 13th March, 8.30pm GMT Join us, Jim and Jo, as we sing some of our songs and tell the stories behind them live online. We’ll ask you to share some of your own stories – personal recollections, family history, local legends or people, reality or...
Songwriting session in Norwich

Songwriting session in Norwich

Time & Location 12 May 2024, 12:00 – 16:00 Norwich, 11-15 Fye Bridge St, Norwich NR3 1LJ, UK About the event Join singer-songwriters Milton Hide for songwriting sessions aimed at experienced and aspiring songwriters. It will start with a Songwriter’s Circle –...
27/60 –  Old Oak Inn, Arlington. 9th Feb 2024.

27/60 – Old Oak Inn, Arlington. 9th Feb 2024.

Back once again in our local. There was a good crowd when we got there including some of our neighbours and friends form Bluebell Roots, and most people stayed around, which is often not the case in food pubs – people will eat then leave. A group at one table,...
21/60 E.L.F Battle – Abbey Hotel

21/60 E.L.F Battle – Abbey Hotel

Part 5 of 5 gigs for E.L.F – Every Last Friday in Battle. The previous duo were still playing when we arrived at the final venue, the Abbey Hotel. And then they got an encore so played another one while we were standing by the door with all of our gear waiting...
20/60 E.L.F Battle – Sarah’s Cellar

20/60 E.L.F Battle – Sarah’s Cellar

Part 4 of 5 gigs for E.L.F – Every Last Friday in Battle. The next venue, a bit further down the High Street and down a sideway, was Sarah’s Cellar which was like a breath of fresh air when we walked in. It was so much quieter than The Bull in volume and...
19/60 E.L.F Battle – The Bull

19/60 E.L.F Battle – The Bull

Part 3 of 5 gigs for E.L.F – Every Last Friday in Battle. Next up was The Bull, right opposite the Taproom. It did take quite a while to cross the road though as Battle high Street is surprisingly busy with traffic on a Friday night! We played in The Bull once...
18/60 E.L.F Battle – King’s Head

18/60 E.L.F Battle – King’s Head

Part 2 of 5 gigs for E.L.F – Every Last Friday in Battle. We finished the previous gig on time, got packed up quick, and we’re into the next venue with a couple of minutes to spare. The duo in front of us were just getting their stuff out of the door so we could...
17/60 E.L.F Battle – Brewery Taproom

17/60 E.L.F Battle – Brewery Taproom

Friday 26th January 2024 We had been in conversation with Darren Watson about playing at E.L.F in Battle in April. Every Last Friday is a mini music marathon in 5 different venues in Battle. We did it once before a few years back and enjoyed it. One venue, a...
Pausing Patreon

Pausing Patreon

We have decided to pause our Patreon page for now and concentrate on sending special stuff to those on our mailing list. So make sure you sign up here: Sign Up Of course we will also be putting interesting blog posts on here every week or two so come back and check!...
16/60 Bluebell Roots

16/60 Bluebell Roots

16/60 Bluebell Roots24 Dec 202317/12/23 Christmas Special in ArlingtonWe have written before about the wonder that is Bluebell Roots. For the Christmas Special we invited some of our regular floor spot performers to do longer sets and Philippa and Michael Vine served...
15/60 – Live at Thornsett Road. 16/12/2023

15/60 – Live at Thornsett Road. 16/12/2023

VIDEO – https://youtu.be/6QZzOeiU4Hc?si=bvfKRozYtqJn-SmU House Concert in Penge When we first started performing we looked at the gigs that artist friends were playing, especially those artists who we think we are similar to in style. In fact we still do this in...
14/60 – Bodiam Castle. 09/12/23

14/60 – Bodiam Castle. 09/12/23

What better to do on a day of heavy rain and floods than go and play music in a castle!? We’d been invited, after recommendation from a friend who volunteers for NT, to come and play music in Bodiam Castle (National Trust) for a Christmas Special event. Having...
13/60- Under Ground Theatre, Eastbourne. 2/12/23

13/60- Under Ground Theatre, Eastbourne. 2/12/23

This event was a double header with us and Terry Lees & Natasha Norodien. The night was extremely cold with a freezing fog so we were amazed to have any audience turn up at all! But there was a decent crowd of about 25 in the Venton Centre, opposite the railway...
12/60 – The Grove, Eastbourne. 23/11/23

12/60 – The Grove, Eastbourne. 23/11/23

 Notes Home at The Grove Theatre, Eastbourne The idea for this event morphed a couple of times before we got to the planning stage. First we had an idea to run a one day music festival at The Grove, booking several acts to perform in both the main auditorium and the...
11/60 The Stag, Hastings. 12/11/23

11/60 The Stag, Hastings. 12/11/23

We had one of our best gigs ever on Sunday. Neither of us could stop grinning. We’ve played here before but never had such the enthusiastic response we had this time. Usually in a pub you expect to be ignored the majority of the time, especially when they serve food,...
17th Feb, Selmeston

17th Feb, Selmeston

Interactive Songwriting session with Milton Hide aimed at experienced and aspiring songwriters. Providing motivation and advice on how to proceed with ideas for songs and breaking through songwriter’s block in a friendly and informal setting. In February we will be...
10/60 – Old Oak Inn, Arlington. 03/11/23

10/60 – Old Oak Inn, Arlington. 03/11/23

The Old Oak Inn is our local – we can actually walk here when we haven’t got a load of PA gear to cart about! Owners Paul and Kate (really friendly people) love having music at the pub and encourage all sorts of live music, especially in the summer months...
Notes Home

Notes Home

NOTES HOME Memories left behind, plans for the future, reflections on a theme – Notes Home Thursday 23rd November 2023, The Grove Theatre, Eastbourne. 7.30pm Tickets £12 – from groveeastbourne.com  Join us for an evening of original song, sound, video,...
6/60 -Bentley Wood Fair. 17/09/2023

6/60 -Bentley Wood Fair. 17/09/2023

When our boys were little we used to regularly go to the Weald Wood Fair at Bentley but we heard that the motor museum and the wildfowl centre had closed down so assumed the wood fair was not longer happening. So we were surprised when we had a message from our friend...
5/60 – The Albion, Hastings – 16/09/2023

5/60 – The Albion, Hastings – 16/09/2023

We had been warned that there might not be many people in the Albion because the gig clashed with the  Seafood and Wine Festival down the road and that most punters would sit outside in the sun, so we went expecting to maybe perform outside. As we pulled up the whole...
4/60 – An Evening With Milton Hide. 13/09/2023

4/60 – An Evening With Milton Hide. 13/09/2023

As part of the annual Hailsham Festival (of Arts & Culture) we put on a special evening event at The Bluebell Kitchen in Arlington. This is our regular venue for our monthly Bluebell Roots and Philippa Vine who usually does the cooking for the event was very happy...
3/60 -Cranfest. Larkin’s Alehouse, 9/9/23

3/60 -Cranfest. Larkin’s Alehouse, 9/9/23

We’d not spent any time in Cranbrook before but it is one of the prettiest towns, with white weatherboarded houses lining the streets. Being a scorcher of a day we decided to leave the campsite early and head to the festival to hear some music, hopefully in the shade,...
2/60 – The Royal Oak, Tunbridge Wells. 8/9/23

2/60 – The Royal Oak, Tunbridge Wells. 8/9/23

We decided to make a couple of days of it as we were playing in Cranbrook the following evening, so we hitched up Michelle (Eriba caravan), stuck the canoe on the car roof, and headed for The Hop Farm. It’s only half an hour from T Wells so we arrived in time to cook...
1/60  – Faversham Folk Club 6/9/23

1/60 – Faversham Folk Club 6/9/23

This was the first gig of our attempted 60 gigs before we hit 60 (13 months). And we forgot to take any photos! We liked the centre of Faversham a lot – some beautiful architecture including the Guildhall with the pillared market area beneath. We arrived about...
Songwriting Weekend – 5th and 6th Aug 2023

Songwriting Weekend – 5th and 6th Aug 2023

In August we will be running our first ever Songwriting Weekend at Pickhams in Wilmington, East Sussex. If you or somebody you know is interested in songwriting, we invite you to book a place today. As this will be our first Songwriting Weekend and we’re testing the...
Riding The Whale

Riding The Whale

The Story Behind …Riding The Whale This is a song of nostalgia, looking back to childhood when you didn’t have to worry about pension plans or mortgages, the biggest worry was losing sight of your parents at the beach. As a little kid, Jim and his 4...
The Holloway – live videos – 1

The Holloway – live videos – 1

We’ve started editing the live footage from our Album Launch on 31st March. Here’s the first one – All Gone South. Featuring guest musicians Phil Jones and Bruce Knapp. We’ll release the entire uncut footage on our Patreon Page...
Aaaand …..relax

Aaaand …..relax

Behind the scenes Aaaand …..relax 4 Apr 2023 Find video of moors and images on iPhoto After a very hectic 3 months of promotion and prep for the album release, we finally had the Launch event (which was a stonking success!!) and now have a couple of days off. A day of...
Of Caravans and Covid

Of Caravans and Covid

Of Caravans and Covid 3 Mar 2023 Firstly, we did it! We raised part of the funds towards the teeny Eriba caravan we wanted to get to go touring with our music. Then we found one available so off we toddled to Whitchurch to view it. We fell in love with...
Day out in London

Day out in London

Behind the scenes Day out in London 25 Jan 2023 We were invited by Dan Raza to come into the K2K studio in Kilburn for his radio show, Sprit and Roots so we decided to make a London day of it. Catching the train from Polegate, we got up to Victoria and decided to walk...
A Milton Hide January

A Milton Hide January

Behind the scenes A Milton Hide January 12 Jan 2023 We may be quiet on the surface but underneath we’re paddling our little feet off! January is our admin month – booking gigs, emailing venues, promoters, clubs and festivals, updating the website, writing...
The Holloway due for release 31st March 2023

The Holloway due for release 31st March 2023

We are delighted to announce that we will be releasing our second album, The Holloway, on 31st March 2023. It’s been a long time coming – we’ve been working hard with Phil Jones of Long Way Home Music at his studio in Shoreham and are really pleased...
Christmas Day trip

Christmas Day trip

Behind the scenes Christmas Day trip 9 Dec 2022 Every year we take a day out (or more when we can) to get into the Christmas spirit. Working from home and always gigging together as just the two of us, it’s easy to let Christmas slip us by and just keep on working....
Pausing Patreon


Milton Hide are now on Patreon! We’ll be creating special content including the stories behind the songs, giving our Patrons first listen of new music and first watch of new videos, behind the scenes insights and more. What’s Patreon? On Patreon, creators can...
In the frame

In the frame

Behind the scenes In the frame 5 Dec 2022 We spent a day in Eastbourne with photographer, Alex Thomas working on a new series of promotional shots for our 2023 tour and our new album release. The lovely people at the Towner gallery could not have been more helpful....
Album no.2 update

Album no.2 update

A quick update! We have had a very busy year with gigs all over the country as well as all sorts of other stuff – day jobs, family weddings, AirBnB bookings, art demos, keeping in touch with family. Amongst all that the recording of our second album has been...
Second Album Recording

Second Album Recording

Behind the scenes Second Album Recording 21 Sept 2022 It’s been great working with Phil Jones of Long Way Home Productions on our second album. We started late 2021 and finished recording at the start of September 2022. Phil is now working on mixing and adding...
Behind the scenes

Behind the scenes

Behind the scenes 21 Sept 2022 On tour! It’s not all glamorous being on tour. Here we are sitting on the rear bumper munching into a quickly assembled sandwich of warm salad before getting changed in the toilets. Our latest trip up North was brilliant –...
Making Progress – New video releases 30 March 2022

Making Progress – New video releases 30 March 2022

Josie and Jim shot the video then gave dozens of clips to Alex Thomas to knit together. This is the teaser which he created. “We’re releasing Making Progress to remind people that we released an album during lockdown? Milton Hide made a commitment to fans...
The story behind the song – Riding the Whale

The story behind the song – Riding the Whale

Orcas, lino cut print by Josie Tipler. Available to buy as greetings cards and badges from the Milton Hide merchandise box!. The story behind the song – Riding The Whale, by Jim Tipler (Milton Hide) Jim wrote this song about nostalgia, memories of his childhood....
Back in the recording studio

Back in the recording studio

We spent a week in the Long Way Home studio with Phil Jones. Our friend Alex Thomas was there for a session with his camera. Here’s a wonderful record of the great time we spent in the studio, working on new recordings. We loved working with Phil Jones and...
One Year On

One Year On

Recorded live at Hailsham Pavilion on 1st October 2020, when venues across the country were unable to open to the public, you can now pay what you like to watch on Youtube.   A concert of original music by this popular Sussex duo featuring guitar, vocals, cajon and...

Sussex Express article

https://www.sussexexpress.co.uk/whats-on/arts-and-entertainment/eastbourne-debut-album-launch-for-milton-hide-3364913 SUSSEX EXPRESS – Arts and Entertainment Eastbourne debut album launch for Milton Hide The Grove Theatre, Eastbourne hosts the debut album launch...