Terry Fox

Terry Fox. He was a young man with cancer he had a leg amputee and then ran across Canada to raise money for or cancer research. Unfortunately his cancer returned and he died before completing the run. Every year there is a Terry Fox run and it has raised millions...

Royal Connections

My Mum and uncle used to play with Charles and Anne on the beach outside the Queen Mother’s Scottish residence, Castle of May, in Caithness. Anon Golden Hinde, London

Maid in St James

My grandmother came from a Scottish border town, aged 18, to work as a kitchen maid in St James Squre, London. I have always wondered why, what was her story? Anon The Golden hind, London, 2023

Factory Workers

I’ve yet to hear a song about factory workers in a food factory – eg chicken. Lots of people used to work locally in the food factory for a localality [?]. Martin White Horsem Cromer, 2023


I’d love to hear a song about ornithologists / twitchers (there’s a big difference!). My dad was an avid ornithologist or ‘birder’ as he called them Malcolm The White Horse, Cromer 2023